Categories: Case Studies

Finding The Best SEO Service In Melbourne: Reid Cycles Case Study

We recently chatted with Reid Cycle’s Marketing Manager, David Hannay, about how Melbourne SEO Services was able to help their business achieve huge results in a relatively short amount of time. In our eyes, nothing trumps an honest client recommendation, so we thought we’d share this remarkable case study with you.

In the beginning…
Reid Cycles, who got their start selling bikes on eBay, is a family business based in Melbourne, with additional stores in Sydney and Brisbane. Although they were familiar with operating online via eBay, having an actual ecommerce store was pretty new to them. But, one thing Reid Cycles knew for sure was, if they were going to make sales on their website, they needed a lot more visitor traffic.

When Marketing Manager David Hannay joined Reid Cycles, the company had just become active with their ecommerce store. They were using Google Adwords, but needed another way to get traffic to their website. David and his colleagues knew that SEO was going to be a vital piece to getting more online visitors, so they began the search for the right company to work with.

Finding the best SEO…
Being headquartered in Melbourne, it was important for Reid Cycles to work with a company based in the same city. Knowing he was looking for “Melbourne” and “SEO”, David typed those two words into Google and saw Melbourne SEO Services appear at the top of the search results. Bingo!

David comments about our pole position by saying, “We typed it [the words, Melbourne SEO] into Google and it came first, that was a strong endorsement, so we thought we’d go there [to Melbourne SEO Services].”

Working together
David’s been really pleased with our open communication and team work, of which we’re truly proud of. We pop into Reid Cycle’s office and chat with them on Skype as often as needed. So, it’s no big surprise that their great results are a product of our collaborative processes, frequent meetings and discussions, all of which keep things constantly moving forward. David also says that working with Melbourne SEO Services has made them realize they must make time to review and improve their site, if they’re going to keep lifting their rankings.

It’s also important to note that we’ve always recommended a good mixture of various online efforts, including using onpage/offpage SEO, Adwords, social media and web video (all of which Reid Cycles does), because that combination is like rocket fuel for a website!

The Result
Since working with Melbourne SEO Services, Reid Cycles has seen their traffic increase three-fold, and those visitors are hitting the sweet spot: the bottom line! David comments, “The organic search traffic has tripled over the last 3 or 4 months, and that’s translating into sales…” This statement is music to our ears!

The icing on the cake was when David confirmed that he’s been very happy with our processes, the great results achieved, and that he’d recommend us to others. That’s truly win-win for everyone! 🙂

Click here to watch the case study video now.

Dave Jenyns

Published by
Dave Jenyns
Tags: seo services