On Page Optimisation

Branded Keywords Traffic – A Quick Overview

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Video Transcript: Another great segment that you can pull apart here is looking at your brand traffic, versus your non-brand traffic.

Now those of your using Steve O and Dave for your SEO, you’ll know that from an SEO point of view, looking at brand traffic, it’s kind of a given, right? They’re not really responsible for increasing your brand traffic. You rank number one for your brand terms or certainly you should. What they’re really interested in is your non-branded traffic.

So being able to split all of your reports apart and say, you understand what I mean by brand traffic and non-brand traffic? Does anybody not, don’t be shy. I’m happy to explain it. Alright, people who came in on a brand keyword, versus let’s call a product based keyword. They’re not searching for me by name, they’re searching for the things I sell.

This is a bit of analysis we did for a client recently. I found these numbers really fascinating, so I thought I’d share them with you. We do bid, most of the time in AdWords, we bid on brand traffic. I think you’re mad not to for a number of reasons. If anyone wants to argue the point, I’m happy to go there. It’s not a huge amount of traffic for this particular client but there’s a lot of revenue that comes from that.

Yes, I know you’re going to tell me that I don’t have to bid on my brand terms because surely that’s cannibalizing my SEO traffic, right? I rank number one for that brand term, why would you bid on that? I do it because I control the conversation, that’s why. I control the message and I control where I send that traffic to.

Have a look at those numbers. I think this is fascinating, I’m a bit of a geek. Ecommerce conversion rate from brand keywords from organic traffic, two and a bit. From AdWords traffic, four and a bit. It’s almost double the number of sales because I can choose where to send these people to and I can pre frame them with the AdWords ad. Maybe they’re diving off into other areas of the site via my site links and for a whopping cost of about 6c each, those clicks are gold.

I think you’ve also got a perception of leadership if you’ve got an ad at the top and you’re the top organic listing. I think that just makes you look better. It’s a blocking strategy because if you’re bidding on your brand name, you’re stopping other people bidding on your brand marketing name, unless you’ve gone to the expense of having a trademark and asked Google to not allow bids on your brand name.

It helps your account. You’re getting ten out of ten quality score for this material. It helps lift the rest of your account a little and they’re cheap. Why wouldn’t you? If it’s 6c a click, 30c a conversion, why would you risk it up to chance that maybe Google doesn’t decide to put me number one for that particular term and I don’t get that click? Or my competitors now get to show an ad above mine? Typically when you bid on your brand keywords, you’re going to be the only ad in that yellow spot at the top of the organic results. Everybody else is going to get pushed to the right hand side.

When you see those sorts of numbers, that’s a pretty compelling argument to me, because you control the conversation with AdWords. You choose where to send those people to. Then this is a good way to just keep tabs on your agency quite frankly. If you’re outsourcing AdWords management, what’s the quality of my non-brand AdWords traffic? If all the revenue is coming through brand keywords, really what are they doing? The quality of this traffic should be very similar to your non-brand organic traffic. That average order value and that conversion rate should be pretty similar.

If someone finds me organically on a product term, if the AdWords guys are doing their job right, they should be around the same and ideally a little bit better. Any questions about that? I think it’s a really important one to understand just to start to understand the process of segmenting your data and splitting this up into little buckets so that you’re getting better and better insights.

For sure, you now understand the difference between branded keywords and non-branded keywords traffic and their positive effects to your business. Keen to read related insights on increasing leads to your site and getting your business found online? Drop by this page to get started.

Dave Jenyns