On Page Optimisation

Keywords Analysis: Quantity Vs Quality

I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying – “It’s the quality that matters, not the quantity.” Well who says that those things have to be mutually exclusive?

When you’re building your website and hoping to rank for a particular keyword, be sure you’re not too focused on just the one word. There are almost always going to be other keywords and phrases you can use for your search engine optimisation that you rank with in addition to your main keyword.

Since I started with an old saying, let’s use another – “Throw it all out there and we’ll see what sticks.” This is one of the tactics we sometimes use here at Melbourne SEO Services. We’ll do on-page optimisation for your website, and then see which of the keywords and phrases stand out from the others. By doing this, we can often find other ways of ranking – which means other ways of making money for you.

Here’s another – “Give even an onion graciously.” Okay, I don’t know what that one means, so let’s move on.

It definitely won’t hurt you to take a look at your website and see if there are other keywords or phrases that can help you rank. For more information on this and other SEO assistance, check out the DVD from our latest workshop.

Dave Jenyns