Categories: Business Development

Virtual Workers: Saving The Day From Afar

Post Update: rent-a-coder has rebranded to be called

Along with online business (and enough adult material to last any one person several lifetimes), the internet has brought the ability to connect people with one another. And some of the people you can connect with out there can do incredible jobs for you at a low price while at the same time freeing up some of your valuable time.

You can find people online who can help you in literally every aspect of your business, from inception through helping you bank your million dollar paychecks.

The first thing you’ll need, of course, is a website. Don’t know how to do HTML or PHP? There are sites out there like Freelancer that can help you find someone to do the job for you. These sites will help you find people based on their fees and referrals, so you’ve got a pretty descent look at their background and previous work (and work ethic).

Do you hate writing copy? Don’t like messing with autoresponders? Find that you have too much spam in your email box and just wish that someone would go through and make sure you only see the good stuff? There are plenty of people out there who can do this for you, and many of them do it for a very reasonable fee.

Virtual assistants and virtual workers nowadays can do plenty more than ‘administrative assistant’ work. Sites like can give you plenty of people who are willing to do almost any kind of work you have.

Virtual workers allow you to focus on the business of making money. They can take care of the menial tasks while you spend your time doing the important things that you never had the time to do. You can even go on vacation with your family (how long has it been?) and know that your business is still running, and all you have to do is make a phone call or send an email to make sure things are running smoothly.

Virtual workers also make a lot of sense in today’s economy – you’re not actually hiring someone to come into the office, so you don’t have to worry about them calling out sick. You won’t be providing benefits (as most of them work as contractors instead of full-fledged employees). Your worker is out of town on vacation for two weeks? No worries – you can find someone else relatively easily who can do the same job.

Again, Freelancer and are only two examples of sites where you can find these people. A quick Google search can help you find tons of places that can get your new virtual worker started right away. To find out more about how we build virtual teams, keep an eye out for our new course “The Outsource Profit Machine” – coming very soon.

Dave Jenyns