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Chapter 7: Present Your Authority

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Delivering any kind of presentation can be daunting.  We’ve all been there!  When it comes to sharing your brand, your authority and your message, however, you’re going to need to focus on maximum engagement with your audience. That’s why you need to know how to prepare for a presentation the right way.

With this in mind, there are multiple things you can do to prepare.  There are also plenty of strategies you can put into practice to make sure such an event bolsters you and your brand for the future.  Developing your authority and knowing your market is one thing.  But how do you present it in an effective and accessible way?

In David Jenyns’ book, Authority Content, the author not only discusses how to develop authority, but how to deliver it.  With a scenario as simple as a workshop, or a networking event, you could establish yourself as a brand influencer.

We’re pleased to share with you an excerpt of David’s book, entitled ‘Present Your Authority’.  In this chapter, David discusses:

  • How to prepare for your first major event.
  • The importance of practising and rehearsing your presentation.
  • Why it’s essential to get everything on camera – from the first slide to the after-workshop feedback.
  • How social media plays a major part in presentation events.
  • How such events can help to establish you as a significant authority moving forwards.


Ok, you’re all set now. You’ve booked a room, outlined the day, have half a dozen or more people attending, and you’re making things easy on yourself by keeping it simple.

Your attendees are paying to hear your solutions, and although fancy workbooks, room decorations and gourmet snacks may sound appealing to you, they’re not really important and just give you extra things to worry about.

Especially for your first workshop, your priority is to deliver your content and get it all on camera.

So try and relax. Easier said than done, I know, but there is very little that can go so badly wrong that it ruins the day. Accept that some things are going to work better than others and that some things never quite go as planned and just be prepared to roll with it.

Every mistake you make on the day – and mistakes are always inevitable when you’re trying something new – is a lesson learned that will make your next workshop that much more successful.

Now, one of the first things I like to do is create an itinerary for the day covering who’s speaking on what, when and for how long. This helps give you a little structure.

I’d also suggest having either a staff member or family member helping out with the administration on the day too. They can check people in, ensure attendees sign video release forms, answer any questions, take photos, post on social media and ensure everything runs on time. That will mean you can remain focused on delivering great content.

I could fill a book with workshop anecdotes and tips, but there are really only three things that apply to every type of workshop that I would consider to be absolutely crucial.

1. Practise, practise, practise.

If it’s your first time and even if it’s not, I’d strongly recommend getting in as much practice as you can before the event. The truth is, even the most natural and seemingly spontaneous performances from professional speakers, actors and even comedians are all well-rehearsed.

You know your content, you’re an expert in your field, and I’m confident that, with a little extra preparation upfront, you’re going to nail it!

2. Test all your equipment on the day.

If you have access to the workshop room in advance, run a few practice sessions, not just so you can hone your delivery, but also so you can test your video camera setup.

Your professional videographer will no doubt have this covered, but it’s always good to double check. Do all the microphones, cameras and computers have full batteries? Do you have spare batteries? Have you got more than enough storage for all of the content?

If you’re using a laptop to show your slides, will you need a projector and a clicker to change the slides? Running a few tests before and on the big day should ensure you’ve got everything covered.

I’d also recommend creating yourself a checklist, so you remember everything or just visit authoritycontent.com, sign up for the home study course, and you can have a copy of our checklist!

3. Get testimonials and photos.

Now, as you’ll learn by going through this book, I like to get the most out of every opportunity I can. I ask myself, “How can I get even more from running this event?” With that mindset, you’ll want to capture everything from testimonials to photos.

Even though I already have hundreds of case studies and rave reviews, why do I continue to collect this sort of stuff? Simple. It’s the proof – the authority assets – that demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that I’m the real deal.

Rave reviews as we called them, recorded “in the wild” as it were, are the most natural sounding and they really help to cut through the layer of mistrust that consumers have developed in their attitude towards many marketing efforts.

This is so important that I would make it someone’s job for the day, either one of your staff or the family member helping you out, to get every attendee to record a testimonial before they leave the workshop. If they’re an existing customer, get them to talk about why they love your products and services. If they’re a new customer, get them to talk about the workshop and what their biggest takeaways from the day were.

Just remember, some people are self-conscious about talking to a video camera, so make sure you have a space for them to do it where they can record some comments without everyone else in the room watching. Also, make sure your camera operator is prepared with two or three questions to ask the attendees. Some people will happily talk to a camera for five minutes about why they love your stuff, whereas others need a couple of questions to help them get started.

Here are a few questions for those who need help:

  • Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re from.
  • What were the biggest take-aways from today?
  • What would you say to someone thinking of attending an event like this?

When the day comes, your head will be so full of the content you’re delivering, making sure that everyone is comfortable and ensuring the video cameras are recording everything correctly, it can be easy to think that testimonials are just one more thing to worry about and maybe you’ll just skip this step for your first workshop.

Please, please don’t.

Not recording video testimonials while you have happy customers in the room is so wasteful it should be illegal! Just keep in mind, if they took the trouble to attend your workshop, these are some of the happiest customers you have.

Along a similar line, I’d also suggest having someone whose sole job is to manage your social media accounts (setting up a hashtag for the day), posting photos, quotes and engaging those who couldn’t attend your event. This paves the way for the promotions you’ll be creating of the back of your workshop over the coming months.

This will also put you in good company – take a look at Richard Branson’s social media accounts. He’s really good at posting photo evidence of all the cool things he’s doing in his life, in his business, in his charity work and so on. He’s built this Branson brand that presents him as an epic, larger-than-life character.

You don’t have to go to those lengths, but in the interest of documenting everything, posting photo proof of your event is a great way to set the ball rolling.

Remember, one of your overriding goals is to develop yourself and your business as an authority. Rave reviews and photos are a huge piece of the puzzle and are as crucial as anything else you accomplish at your first workshop.

Stick with it, you’re on the right track, and the rewards are worth it.

In my experience, the difference between those who make it happen and those who don’t is a willingness to throw your hat over the wall.

You know this story, right? Three guys are on a long journey that is interrupted by a huge wall, blocking their path, seemingly too insurmountable to allow them to continue. Then one of the guys takes his hat off and throws it over the wall, saying “well, now we’ve got no choice but to find a way over.”

If you throw your hat over the wall, in this case, by setting and announcing a date for your workshop, you’ll find a way to make it happen. Once you’ve completed your first event, there’ll be no doubt in your mind that you’ve completed the most challenging element of Authority Content and every step that follows is going to be easier and easier to execute.

Throughout the rest of this book, you’re going to see exactly why a workshop gives you everything you need to power your marketing, basically forever. At this stage of Authority Content, you’ve presented your expertise. Now it’s time to start creating your package.

We hope you found this insight into David’s book an interesting read!  Preparing yourself for your first authority presentation can be nerve-wracking – but it’s that first essential step on your journey towards becoming a major name in your field. Learning how to prepare for a presentation is truly vital.

We’ll be continuing to publish more insights from David in the coming weeks.  If you’d like to know more about the author and his work, take a look at his website, Authority Content, or buy a copy of his book to dive into the world of authority strategy through Amazon today!

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Dave Jenyns