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Video Transcript: How do you get started quickly heading in the right direction? Test lots of big ideas. Please don’t do what most businesses do – design ads in Google in eight different sizes because you’re not doing any testing. Yes, you’re increasing your range, you’re increasing your inventory. You’ll get more clicks but you’re not learning anything about the market.

I would always start with a 300 x 250 ad. We found the next best three to be those three on the screen: 336 x 280, 160 x 600 and 728 x 90. What I’m going to suggest though is that you start with ten 300 x 250 ads. Forget the other sizes for now. Job one is to figure out which ads resonate the most with your market, which ads make you the most money? Then we can go and build the other sizes.

What do I mean by big differences? Hopefully this gives you a bit of an idea. Here are eight sample ads of about twelve that we got done for Rick Otton, a big property developer in Australia, very different ads. This was a marketing campaign to launch his How to Buy a House for $1 book, physical book. Some show the book, some don’t. Some have a picture of Rick. Most didn’t. Now if the hippo was choosing the ad, guess which one they want to show?

But I don’t know if that’s the ad that is going to get the best response. Then I run a test. It might take four weeks. But very quickly I can figure out which ad won. At this point I’m not looking at profit, I’m just looking at click through rate. You normally wouldn’t do that with Google Display Network. Click through rate really doesn’t tell you much when the numbers are so low. But because I’m comparing a range of different ads all going to the same site, all I’m looking at here is which ads resonate with my prospects and which don’t.

The numbers again and again, if you test ten or a dozen ads, the difference between winner and loser is going to be roughly 300 – 400% if the differences are big enough. Lee’s being kind enough to agree to a test. Forty Winks use their franchisees as the models in the TVCs and the catalogue covers and so on.

All we’d want to test to start with, same design in this instant but a different franchisee on each of these ads. We’ll run a test of about twelve or so ads that Justin’s team is creating. Which of those franchisees appeal most to their average internet user? Is it the older lady, the younger lady? The old guy, the young guy, the bald, the funky looking guy with a little goatee and funky glasses? Who is it, who is getting the best result?

Now they may end up quite similar because it’s the same design of the ad, but until we test, we don’t know. Up to this point, someone has picked an ad and it has typically been one or two different designs. Test a lot of different designs and learn early, then figure out who your winner is and now try variations on a theme. Ok, if this ad won, and it didn’t because I’m not going to tell you the one that did, but if this one did, well ok, let’s try variations on the younger girl.

Let’s get some stock photos and try three or four different people because maybe that makes a difference. Let’s try tweaking the words a little bit, the five little stars in here might have helped. But let’s try variations on this theme and test again and see if we can’t learn something else.

At a minimum test your ten different ads in Google  first, figure out who the winner is and now do your different ad sizes. Now go off and pay the money to get this thing animated. But start with the cheap option of static ads with big differences. You’ll save an absolute stack and you will have learned so much about your market.

Creating similar ads online is not enough in reaching out to your target audience. Take the time to create varied versions and test which ones will work. Visit this page and see how an expert can help you on doing so.

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