Chapter 1: Predicting the Future

Chapter Index / Next Chapter With competition to reach the top ranking in Google stronger than ever before, some businesses will do whatever it takes to get their website seen. But when you don’t do things in the right way and abuse the system, Google takes notice. It...

What In The World Is The Google Top Heavy Update?

No, it’s not a pro-wrestler or the name of an action movie… Google’s ”Top-Heavy” update, released in January 2012, targets websites overloaded with AdSense ads “above the fold” with very little content that’s only accessible if users scroll all the way down. So,...

What To Do When Google Penguin Update Attacks Your Anchor Text!

It’s a pretty well-known fact in the ocean of SEO that link building helps increase a website’s buoyancy (ranking). What’s really interesting is…offpage SEO makes up 80% of the entire process, with link building being a huge part of it. And because the process...

Get Back Up After You’ve Been Hit By Panda Update!

Most people associate Pandas with cute & cuddly bears, but to most website owners, Google’s Panda is anything but cute. It would have been February 2011 when you realized Google unleashed their Panda update on your website, which possibly knocked it to the ground....

How The Google Updates Work & Affect Your Rankings

If you haven’t realized by now, Google is constantly evolving. While their core algorithm still revolves around having reputable sites linking back to yours, Google’s been devising further ways to make sure websites don’t just ‘sneak’ their way into high rankings. So,...

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