Just curious, have you watched that presentation I did for the Market Samurai team yet? I emailed you a couple of days ago about it and if you’re doing any business online – it’s a must.

The fact is, marketing online (or off) is a “team sport” nowadays and everyone I know “kicking goals” in business has a great team behind them. So what’s the secret to getting ‘A players’ to join your team at a fraction of what you’d pay someone locally?

That’s what the guys over at Noble Samurai asked Pete Williams and I to talk about in a brand new Video Series that reveals the RIGHT WAY to do online outsourcing. 

When done correctly, outsourcing can help you build a profitable business quicker, easier and with less money than you thought possible – it’s the secret to my success.

Anyway, you can watch my first presentation here:

… and then check out the second video by Pete here:

These are cutting edge concepts, so check them out and let me know what you think. I really want to hear from you… what do you think? Just click here to let me know.

You can also learn the outsourcing process steps here.

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