Listen to Troy drop some logic bombs

Click here to download an interview with Troy Broussard.

You’ve probably already realised, with Google’s recent SEO updates, to succeed online you need to more than a one trick pony. You see, in a boom time, many confuse their own skill with simply being in the right place at the right time. But the stakes have increased and now, more than ever, you need a real business chops!

You can’t fake it, you can’t read it in a book and money alone isn’t enough – experience and having “been there and done that” wins. The fact is, “The School of Hard Knocks” is one of the best teachers of all. More and more I realise how much ‘experience’ plays a big role in building and growing a successful businesses.

Which brings me to this interview with Troy Broussard (from…

Recently I was doing some digging around those speakers attending Dori’s SEO Rockstars Encore event this month and the more I began to dig into Troy’s past the more interesting it became. Troy has a classic rags, to riches, to rags, to riches story.

I just knew he was going to have some great insights into the current world of online marketing so last week we jumped on Skype and chatted about a whole bunch of things. Initially we started talking about SEO but before we knew it we were talking about business and what it takes to be successful online.

We chatted for about an hour and there are some real gold nuggets. You can download the call here and, like always, this is zero pitch and 100% content. I just like sharing the good stuff 🙂 Take a listen and let me know what you think.

Your SEO Rockstar,


Ps. If you’re in Sacramento next week… you should come and hear Troy and I speak at Dori’s SEO RockStars Encore – click the link below to find out more:

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